Important New Changes to Nevada’s Traffic Laws
Beginning January 1, 2023, pursuant to Nevada Assembly Bill 116, some traffic violations will no longer be considered criminal misdemeanors, but rather a “civil infraction.” For example, no longer considered a crime are violations for broken taillight, speeding (as long it’s not for traveling above 30 mph), or riding in…
Dude, Where’s My Court?
We often get questions about what’s the difference between all the courts in Southern Nevada and what exact court is my case in? To try and clarify all the confusion, here is an overview of the most common courts in Southern Nevada, what type of cases the court handles, and…
Can Parking Enforcement “Chalk” My Car Tires?
We’ve probably all seen a parking enforcement officer placing a chalk mark on a parked car’s tire. The act of “tire chalking” involves marking a car’s tire using chalk to determine the time for which it remains parked in a parking spot. Naturally, many people feel that this is some…
What are My Rights as a Student?
A federal District Court judge in Ohio recently ruled that a school violated a student’s Fourth Amendment right to privacy when he was required to use a webcam to show his bedroom before taking an online test. The school’s requirement that student’s show the location they are taking the test…
What Are My Gun Rights in Nevada?
Last week the United States Supreme Court shot down (no pun intended!) a New York State law that required a person to get a government-issued license to carry a concealed gun in public by providing “proper cause” to carry the gun. New York courts had defined “proper cause” as an…
What Can I Do if the Police Violate my Miranda Rights?
One of the common complaints we hear from our clients is: “The police never read me my Miranda rights!” Unfortunately, after hearing this, we have to break the bad news to our clients: “It is not illegal for the police to not read you your Miranda rights.” However, to be…
Who is a Jury of my Peers?
If you go to trial for a felony, gross misdemeanor, or Battery Domestic Violence charge, you are entitled to a jury trial pursuant to both the United States and Nevada Constitutions. This is commonly called a “jury of your peers.” But who is considered a jury of your peers? The…
Do I have the Right to Film the Police?
With almost everyone nowadays having a cell phone with a camera, it is likely that a person may come across an on-duty police officer interacting with people of our community. This interaction may include the officer speaking to a person face-to-face on the street, pulling a person’s car over, or…
How a Nevada Landlord Dispute Attorney Can Assist You
When you sign your lease or rental arrangement with a landlord, both parties agree to certain conditions and obligations. You may have a situation in which some of your neighbors disturb you with their noise or unruly behavior and the landlord does nothing to correct the situation. The dwelling may…
Contract Law and How an Attorney Can Help
Here at Nobles & Yanez , we are well versed in breach of contract laws in Nevada. Read this blog to find out specifically what that is. Additionally, we can discuss what can happen if you neglect these laws and how our Firm can help you out. What Are the Key…